Amy's Bookshelf Reviews reviews books from any author of most any genre (just not anything that promotes bias, hate, or violence against another person, race, or lifestyle). I do like true crime and thrillers, as well as any type of genre (because they're not promoting it, just talking about it, or showing it in the story).
I like to read books that are/were banned, challenged, burned and controversial. Also, there are other types of stories that I will read, and I probably haven't stated it very well, but I will now.
If you have a story in a e-magazine, send me the link to it, and I'll read and review it (I'll add it to the appropriate bookshelf). If you have a story that is online, and you want reviews, email me, let me know the link and where it is, and I'd be glad to review it. I don't review books that are out of print, but I will review books/stories/articles that are on websites, such as a publisher's website. If there is a "comments" or "review" section on these webpages, that is where I will post my review, as well as on my blog, and wherever else I post normally (where it's listed).
I do also review Kindle Vella Books. If you write it, I will probably read it. If I've read your work before, I'd be happy to read your work again. I also added the rules for book series (if you have a request for a book that is in the series, I want to read all of them). If you've had a book read and a review posted, and it was part of a series, I'd like to read the rest of them.
I can always be emailed
If anyone has any questions, just email me. It's that simple. I am not letting my disabilities get in the way of my reviewing your work.
Thank you.
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews