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Yes, Reviews do Matter!


Yes, it's another "cause" of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. There is still reading banned books, and of course, I want to read and review for as many authors as I can. I'm even making contact with publishers from authors that I've read for to expand my reading list. I know that some of my shelves are full, and I am doing my best not just to read them, but be able to post them. At my current state, there are no funds to buy more books as of yet, so if the book isn't a verified purchase, I am limited of what and when I can post reviews. Sometimes I have to put off posting for someone so a release date review can be posted.

Anyway, that's where I'm at. I can't write as much as I used to, but I am still reading, and when my eyes get tired, I do listen to the book on my computer (that's why I ask for PDFs or convert books to PDFs).

Also, if you are a reader, please leave a review. I know (from experience) how important reviews are, and how it is to only get one or two reviews (I don't have enough time to seek out reviews for myself, but this isn't really about me or my work). I can only review a book once (unless it gets released to another format or added to a boxed set), so if you read, write a review. Reviews are the foundation for authors, and they get to know how others feel about their work, and learn from it. They can also use reviews for promotions and there is some algorhythim that amazon does when a book hits 25 reviews, and then 50 and so on, but I'm not sure of the benefits, probably ranking or something.

If you read on a Kindle, and the book was bought on Amazon, you can leave a review right at the very end of the book. Even if you buy a book somewhere else (even at a second hand store, or book store), you can go on amazon, and write a review, and there are other sites to do so as well.

If you're an author, and you also have a book blog, or you do reviews like I do, let me know and I'd be glad to add your information to my Reviewers directory (free) and/or the Bulletin Board ($50 for THREE different bulletin boards).

I created an image for Reviews Matter, and it is in the header of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews website and in this post. If you wish to have a copy, let me know.

Thank you.

This has been posted on the Amy's Bookshelf Reviews website as well as The Official Blog of Amy Shannon blog.


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