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New York State Author Showcase: Janet Garber

Amy Shannon

It is my pleasure to share the state of New York with some fine authors. I think it is so important to not only support Indie Authors, but local Indie authors.

I’d like to showcase Janet Garber today. Garber’s NY Hometown county is Westchester. Garber’s most recent book published is Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of An HR Manager. She hopes that her next release will be early next year.

I had the privilege of reading her work, “Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of An HR Manager” and have posted my reviews on “Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews” as well as did a showcase of the review on this blog.

Here is the direct link to my review:

Amy’s Bookshelf Reviews “Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of an HR Manager”

You can find Janet on these social media sites:

Twitter @melie5

About Janet Garber:

Janet Garber received an MA in English from the University of Rochester, a degree which prepares you for anything that might come along. She has written many articles for the Wall Street Journal’s Vertical Network, The New York Times, The New York Post, Working Mother Magazine, and HR Magazine as well as online outlets and reviewed books for and other online sites.

Her fiction has appeared in a score of literary journals including Forge Literary Journal, Tigershark and Caesura and in several anthologies. Her non-fiction book, I Need a Job, Now What? (Silver Lining Books) came out in 2001 and her recently published satiric novel, Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of an HR Manager, was a Runner-Up in 2016 Shelf Unbound Best Indie Book contest and Finalist in 2017 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Janet lives on the outskirts of NYC with hubby #2 (a keeper!) and two emotionally-challenged rescue cats and is fond of live blues and folk music, hiking in the “Gunks,” and mixing up weird ingredients. She’s hard at work on a second novel about life for a French-American couple living in Paris in the 70’s.

Here are just a few questions I asked Garber:

Why do you write? To understand myself, others, the world. To communicate to others the beauty I see all around me. To create something unique and tell the stories only I can tell. This is what I was born to do. My existential purpose.

Something separate from Writing? I love walking, hiking, being in Nature. I am crazy about cinema and a movie buff and reviewer. I love connecting with people, sharing any “wisdom” I may have earned, watching them grow.

Where to do you write? My cat and I write at the desktop computer in the “office” of my home. Or on the I-phone while reading the commuter train into the city. Or on a yellow notepad or white notebook anywhere.

What gives you inspiration? I have to say Dreams first and foremost. They have generated several short stories by leaving me with a catchphrase dancing around in my head as I awake. I like to make fun of things in, I hope, a good-natured satiric fashion so anything I see around me that’s crazy/ridiculous qualifies. In general, life experiences.

Advice to aspiring writers? Don’t do as I did: let too much time pass without doing any writing at all. Keep your hand in even if it’s just writing articles for your local newspaper. Make sure not to forget about that novel sitting in that bottom drawer. Don’t cherish dreams of success or money; just write for the pure joy of creating something new in the world.

What would you say to your fans? My contact with you is the best! I love to discuss your reactions to what I have written and learn from them. Spread the word!

Describe your hometown in one sentence. Is NYC ever a hometown to anyone? A bridge and tunnel kid, for many years I took for granted our wonderful amalgam of people from different places, working, eating, living together.

Current list of books by Janet Garber

1. I Need a Job, Now What? (non-fiction book on job search tactics)

2. Getting a Job (non-fiction updated version of previous book)

3. Dream Job, Wacky Adventures of an HR Manager (fiction)


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