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Author Amy Shannon: 2018 Year in Review

Amy Shannon

It has been a long year and it's almost over. While I look forward to 2019 and whatever it may bring, I also like to reflect on this past year.

My work:

I rebranded my entire Sars Springs Saga (and all its volumes) and it is now called the M.O.D Life Epic Saga. I released the first NINE volumes (Unwritten Life, Rewritten Life, Unwritten Life's Paths to Destiny, Written Life's Past Meets Present, Life's Written Past, Life's Unwritten Future, Another Written Life, Life … Rewritten, Unwritten Life & Death). Some of the books were renamed, they all got new covers and were reformatted. The tenth books in the Epic Saga "Life's Healer" was released on November 5 2018.

The latest book in the Savvy Macavoy Stories "The Relic: A Savvy Macavoy Story" was released on June 9, 2018.

All my books that have been published are on my amazon page at

All of the rebranded MOD Life Epic Saga books (even the ones not yet released) are available for sale (and some free bonus books) at


I will continue to promote my past and present books on my blog. I'm continuing the campaign for Character interviews, and did some promotion of what I call Old Story New Read #OSNR which promotes my previous work while introducing them to new perspective readers.


I am currently working on a book 4 in my Passionate Retribution Series, (more details to come), editing and updating the new book in the MOD Life Epic Saga that will be released in March 2019, and trying out a new genre (new penname to come if this works out). I've also written a short story and am trying to figure out if I should right another one and where those challenges will grow or go.

Indie Authors:

I ran several contests this year, March was Indie Poet Appreciation Month, July was Indie Author Appreciation Month, October was New/Debut Author Showcase, and in November I ran a voting contest for the top 20 Indie Book Titles of 2018 AND Best Indie Authors of 2018.

March's Indie Poet Appreciation Month: The following poets and their prose were showcased: Will Mayo, Annette Whitaker-Moss, Melissa Ann, Joanne Van Leerdam, and RitaMarie Recine.

July's Indie Author Appreciation: The following authors were showcased in the Indie Author Appreciation Month: Lucia Davis, Ritamarie Recine, Will Mayo, Jerry Pociask, Larry Deibert, Rie Sheridan Rose, Patricia Loofbourrow, Joanne Bell, Kate McGahan, and AB Funkhauer.

NEW/DEBUT Author Showcase: The following authors were showcases in October: Elizabeth Silva, Sadhat Nattat, Thoma Matthews and Norton Beckerman.

The Top 20 Best Indie Books of 2018 nominees were: We Will Bleed by Sarah Hall & Nicole Thorn , Wired Hard by Toby Neal, The Pastor's Daughter by T K Ware, Cinderelevent by P. Mattern, The Tree Of Rebels by Chantelle Atkins, World War II in Antwerp, Belgium. Experiences of a Young Boy by William LeMaire, Where the road to serendipity ends by RitaMarie Recine, Rituals of the Dead: An Artifact Mystery by Jennifer S. Alderson, The Curse of Ormshire by S.L. Perrine, Fiction by Ryan Lieske, Greyson Fox by TL Travis, Florida Gothic by Mitzi Szereto, Where You Go by Claire Cain, Something Wicked by Sarah Dale, I'm a Little Brain Dead by Kimberly Davis Basso, Nocturne of the Sea by Cameron Davis, The Devil's Playground by Alice J. Black, Kids, Camels, & Cairo by Jill Dobbe, The Adventures of Bella & Emily by Michelle Holland, Inside A Dogs Mind: Jacobs Journal by Michelle Holland, Call Me Grandma by Jerry Pociask, Nothing Special VI His Harts Command by AR Via, HYPER by John A. Autero, Control by RM Gauthier, Murder on the Streetcar by Alma H. Bond, Esquire: The Lawyer of Faith by T K Ware

The Top 10 Best Indie Authors of 2018 nominees were: S.L. Whyte, Sarah Dale, Jerry Pociask, Jennifer S. Alderson, Patrick Canning, J E Mueller, William Mayo, Michelle Holland, Chantelle Atkins, S.P. Aruna, SL Perrine, Melanie Nowak, Carol Van Natta, RM Gauthier, Kindra Sowder, Denise Kawaii, Jennifer Arntson, Kimberly Davis Basso

These contests not only promote these wonderful authors and their works, but also I get introduced to new authors, read their stories, and continue to work with authors I've come to know.


I continue to have a guest spot on the second Friday of every month (more when needed) on "The Writer's Edge with McKensie Stewart." I am on her show every second Friday of the month at 4 - 6 PM EDT. It's on the Fishbowl Radio Network, and be accessed online at or via the "tune-in" app downloaded to your computer or smartphone.

I've added a donation button to my blog, as it takes a lot of time and effort to not only promote my own work, but also to promote others.


My services and pricing have been updated and packages created. I even custom packages for promotion depending on the author's need. It's not only for features on my blog, but also sharing on social media, and automatically emailed to all of my subscribers. If you aren't one yet, you should subscribe so you don't miss anything.

Coming up for next year:

New releases (to be announced), new WIPs, March is Indie Poet Appreciation month (to be announced), July is Indie Author appreciation month (to be announced), continual collaboration with McKensie Stewart (and a new suprise project with McKensie), and continual help and assistance to Indie Authors for promotion and reviews.

Happy New Year, from Amy Shannon.

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© Copyright 2017-2022 Amy Shannon. All Images are property of Amy Shannon, with the exception of the BOOK Covers (those are owned by the authors of those books). Anyone wanting to access one of the images owned by Amy Shannon, can contact her directly for permission.

Amy Shannon

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