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Character Qualities Wanted!

Amy Shannon

I am in the process of writing my first NONFICTION book, which is about character building for writers. I've been posting different POLL questions on Twitter and Facebook, and will be posting the survey results within the book.

What I am currently looking for is examples of writing that include or show a good example of character building, such as how to describe a character, character naming, character introduction, protagonist or antagonist ... etc.

If any author wishes to share an excerpt (under 500 words), along with the name of the book, and the pen name of the author, send me an email at and put "character" in the subject. Also, tell me what type of character building example that would be.

I can't offer money for inclusion in the book, but what I will do, is add the author's name to the acknowledgment page, add the book title and even buy link (for eBook) as a resource in the book. Print books (if I go that way) won't have hyperlinks, but include where the book can be bought. I can even add the author and their website to the "Reference" page.

I don't know when the book will be done, and I will be using some of my own work as examples throughout the book, and that of classic novels, but I thought I should add some current books as well from other authors.

Again, if you are interested, send me an email. If your excerpt is selected, you will also be notified when the book will be released.

This notice was also published on Facebook and Twitter.


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Amy Shannon

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