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Amy's Bookshelf Reviews Change #2

Over the next few days, there will be some changes made to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, The Official Blog of Amy Shannon, The After Show with McKensie Stewart & Amy Shannon, and Genesis Literary Promotions, so stay tuned.

The next change to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is just a minor change, but the "infamous" spreadsheet has been updated. Not much, but there is now an instruction worksheet in the beginning of the workbook. It has a link to where authors can learn how to create "clean Links" when copying and pasting the URLs for their books into the worksheets.

It also provides information on how to create a new worksheet for additional authors or book titles, without having to create multiple spreadsheets for multiple titles. These sheets can be in ONE spreadsheet.

The new spreadsheet has already been uploaded to the Requests and Review Policies page. (

Yes, there were be a few more changes coming, and you'll be learning more about them as they come to be.

Thank you

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews


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