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Amy's Bookshelf Reviews United Against Book Bans Community

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has started a Facebook and LinkedIn group, inviting anyone who wants to join to create a virtual community that is against Book Bans. There will be different discussions via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. 

Using information gained from The American Library Association,

You can join the campaign and sign the petition at . If you do, make sure you also share it on social media.

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has a list of Banned Books on its website, and a list of books that will be read and reviewed, that are also books that are banned and challenged. There is another website that Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, dedicated to Banned Books, at

​Amy's Bookshelf Reviews dedicated Facebook page is

The list of banned books and where to buy them (along with the genre) is listed on  


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Announcement from Amy Shannon

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews is getting its own website soon. The old website will still be up and running to keep the reviews where they are on that site. Nothing will change until the transition is compl

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