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Attention Authors: Review Organizations


At Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, there can only be one review given for each title. If you get an audiobook later, a review can be done for that one as well, and will count as another review (redemption code or donation required).

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews also has accounts at NetGalley, BookSirens, and If your book is listed on those sites as well, it only is a $5 fee to post the reviews there as well. If your book is reviewed on other sites that I don't normally post, let me know. I'd be glad to create an account and add more posting sites to my list.

I do select books on those sites, but it does not interfer with ANY of my other reviews. I also do participate in blog tours. So, if you are working with a publicist that runs a blog tour, and let me know. I participate in blog tours, the book and author information runs on The Official Blog of Amy Shannon, and the review of the book runs on this review on the same day or as close as possible. Usually, I get an email and sign up, so if you're in that process, jet me an email and let your publicist know that I would like to sign up.

Remember, reviews are the base of your promotions, and promoting is very important to let people know about your books. If you don't have a publicist, or know of a Book Blog Tour company, I have some names, including my own company, Genesis Literary Promotions.

Thank you.

Amy Shannon


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