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Quick Response Calendar Authors!

Whether you're on the Quick Response Calendar from a direct request within the allowable dates for a release, or an Express Release review, there is now a new feature on not only Amy's Bookshelf Reviews but also The Official Blog of Amy Shannon.

If you're an author with an upcoming release, not only will Amy's Bookshelf Reviews post your review on the release date (and yes, it will still be widely posted as normal), but the morning of the release (around 8:00 AM EST), a post will run on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews and The Official Blog of Amy Shannon about the release of your book. For a small donation of $40, the post will "celebrate" the release of the author's work on both blogs. At 8:00 AM on The Official Blog of Amy Shannon and then at 8:30 AM on Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.

As all posts, they automatically run to the the contact lists via email, and the posts themselves can be shared directly to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

If you're interested in this, when you go to the Quick Response Form, make a request through direct email as a legacy author, or want an express release via email, mention the "Release Celebration."

If you already have a book on the Quick Response Calendar, email me and let me know you want the Release Celebration.

This may help the author have a little more visibility that isn't the same as the visibility of what a review can do. I can only review your books once, but these can be done more than once. (If you want other posts the same day, let me know, and we'll work it out). Other promotions can be done via my other business, Genesis Literary Promotions.

Thank you.


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