Repeat authors, and I hope you know who you are. If you now have some social media accounts, or even written a few books since the last time I'd read your work, please let me know. I'm glad to retweet, if you let me know, or connect with me. I'd be happy to share some of your posts to my Facebook page, and if you've written more stories, I'd be honored to read more of your work.
I have added a few lines to the infamous spreadsheet (If you never filled one out before, that's because I used to fill it out for the authors), this change saves me some time, especially now, with my tremor disorder. I can still read, and I can still review, just takes me a bit longer, but it does and will get done.
I offer many different options for authors, so if you're a repeat author, I'd love to hear from you again (just send an email to me with "repeat author" in the subject line). If you know a new author who needs reviews (and who doesn't), send them my way to my Requests and Policies page.

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