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Review Requests: Update


If you are an author, and I have never read any of your work before, in order to get a review, you must fill out the appropriate form on the Requests & Policies page.

If you are an author's representative (i.e. publicist, editor, agent, publisher, etc) and I have not review for any of your clients yet, in order to get a review, you must fill out the appropriate form on the Requests & Policies page.

If you are a repeat author, please send me a direct email to

and put "repeat author" in the subject line. You can send me the book and its information, without having to ask for another review. I just need the book (digital formats of PDF, mobi, and epub accepted, sorry, no MSWord), book cover (jpg or png), any buy links for the book, and the genre it is in. (Goodreads, US, Barnes and Noble, Kobo/Walmart, BookBub, Smashwords and/or audible).

Links not given will not have the review posted there when I sit down to do it. If you tell me later, I will post my review. If your book gets a new release in a different format, I will post my review there. If it goes to audiobook, I will want to listen to the book before I post my review, since print and audio are two different formats.

Some repeat authors, especially from several years ago, or from the beginning, may not know what is on the spreadsheet that I send authors when they first give me a request. So, I have added those spreadsheets for download on my Requests & Policies page. It shows the information I like to have. I try to keep my records updated. Thank you.


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