Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has updated the days of the week that reviews will be posted. Any day that a review will not be posted, will still post a review if it has a release or is part of a blog tour participation.
The new dates for posting reviews are: Sunday-Thursday, which adds another day of the week for review posting. I am trying to catch up and get through the lists as soon as possible, and still I have to conform to the rules of the sites where I am posting. If I have several books in a row that I can't purchase due to lack of funds in my "book buying account," then I can only post up to 5 within a week (Sun-Sat) on Amazon.
I won't be posting on Fridays, Saturdays, or major holidays or Holiday eves, unless there is a release date on one of those days. These are not all Federal holidays, only Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, New Years Day. (So, basically, I have added more days that I will be posting).
There may be some days that I would normally post, but I am limited to site policies or I am having a "bad" day.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. As long as there are books on my shelves and I am still alive, I will read and review. Always accepting new requests.
Thank you
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews