If you aren't aware yet, this is to notify you that Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has an Instagram account (@amysbookshelfreviews). If you are an author who has had a review AND you have an Instagram account, I will post the review on Instagram and tag the author. If you are represented by someone, and they have an instagram account, I will also tag them in the review on Instagram.
I am also spreading my wings so-to-speak, if you're not aware, I have also created a YouTube Channel, where I will post promotions, and Video Reviews. Video reviews are $35 per review, but if you buy 3, you get the 4th for free (even if you don't yet have a fourth review). I'm doing this for the author's book promotion. I do my best to help out authors anyway I can.
I have upped my editing services, and am taking on more clients, if you're interest, just jet me an email to discuss.
Also, if you are a book reviewer, I’d like permission to add your name to my reviewer’s directory on my website, as well, if I review for authors that fit your genre, I’d be happy to add a recommendation to my final email where I tell authors information about where their reviews are published. If not, that’s fine. If yes, if you have a logo or something, and if you could tell me exactly what genres you review and read for.
I also run a book blog and promotion company, Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours. I am always looking for book reviewers for our clients, and I don't know if you have a blog or participate in blog tours, but if you're interested, please go to the Genesis website and look around before you sign up. You can just be a social media connection, who just shares our client’s social media posts or retweets them. If you're a blogger or reviewer for us, and you want to purchase a promotion for your own work, you get a 30% discount on any promotion over $50.
There is another distinction that I feel I need to make, and that is that I do NOT charge for reviews. The video review is of a review that I've done or will do. The charge is for the creation of the video, not the review. Also, any type of donation does NOT affect reviews. As always, I don't post lower than a 3-star review, and I do accept 98% of requests. I have reviewed over 2100 books, and will continue to do so. It just may be a bit slower, but I am doing my best making my way through my bookshelves.
Anyway, stay safe. stay healthy and be well.
Amy Shannon
Amy's Bookshelf Reviews