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Update to Amy's Bookshelf Reviews


If you aren't aware yet, this is to notify you that Amy's Bookshelf Reviews has an Instagram account (@amysbookshelfreviews). If you are an author who has had a review AND you have an Instagram account, I will post the review on Instagram and tag the author. If you are represented by someone, and they have an instagram account, I will also tag them in the review on Instagram.

I am also spreading my wings so-to-speak, if you're not aware, I have also created a YouTube Channel, where I will post promotions, and Video Reviews. Video reviews are $35 per review, but if you buy 3, you get the 4th for free (even if you don't yet have a fourth review). I'm doing this for the author's book promotion. I do my best to help out authors anyway I can.

I have upped my editing services, and am taking on more clients, if you're interest, just jet me an email to discuss.

Also, if you are a book reviewer, I’d like permission to add your name to my reviewer’s directory on my website, as well, if I review for authors that fit your genre, I’d be happy to add a recommendation to my final email where I tell authors information about where their reviews are published. If not, that’s fine. If yes, if you have a logo or something, and if you could tell me exactly what genres you review and read for.

I also run a book blog and promotion company, Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours. I am always looking for book reviewers for our clients, and I don't know if you have a blog or participate in blog tours, but if you're interested, please go to the Genesis website and look around before you sign up. You can just be a social media connection, who just shares our client’s social media posts or retweets them. If you're a blogger or reviewer for us, and you want to purchase a promotion for your own work, you get a 30% discount on any promotion over $50.

There is another distinction that I feel I need to make, and that is that I do NOT charge for reviews. The video review is of a review that I've done or will do. The charge is for the creation of the video, not the review. Also, any type of donation does NOT affect reviews. As always, I don't post lower than a 3-star review, and I do accept 98% of requests. I have reviewed over 2100 books, and will continue to do so. It just may be a bit slower, but I am doing my best making my way through my bookshelves.

Anyway, stay safe. stay healthy and be well.

Amy Shannon

Amy's Bookshelf Reviews


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Blog Established in 2014


Last Updated 2022. Everything published on this website is sole based on the opinion and services of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews.

©Copyright 2017 Amy Shannon. All badges and Logos of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews are property of Amy Shannon of Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. This does not cover book covers (those are owned by the author). Anyone wanting access to one of the Badges on the site, can contact Amy Shannon. This site does not allow right click functionality.

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