Review Type: QUICK RESPONSE (FUTURE Release Dates):
· MUST be a FUTURE DATE!! (Year ending 2021 or beyond)
· Use Quick Response Request Form on the Requests & Policies Page
Request for "Quick Response" MUST be at least 40 Days (from request date) in advance of the release date! (new authors ONLY) (updated 7/10/2021)
Repeat Authors for “Quick Response” must be at least 30 days in advance (from request date) and send a direct email for the request. (updated 7/10/2021)
Review Type: EXPRESS RELEASE REVIEWS (prices subject to change) (updated 7/10/2021) For both NEW and REPEAT AUTHORS.
Repeat Author (30 days):
· 29 days – 8 days before release $50 (US)
· 3 days or less, use the “VIP-Immediate” request ($100 for review within 3 business days)
New Author Request (40 days):
· 39 days - 8 days before release $50 (US)
· 7 days -- 4 days before release $75 (US)
· 3 days or less, use the “VIP-Immediate” request ($100 for review within 3 business days)
To get the Express Release Review, please follow these steps or it is possible the request would be denied.
1. Email (do NOT fill out any forms below)
2. In subject line "Express Release Review"
3. In the body of the email, type in this information, and do not add attach anything to the email. Pen name of Author, Book Title, Book Genre, Release date, and where the book will/is listed to be bought.
· The author will get an email back, so read it carefully, as it will contain instructions as to what the next step for the author will be.
· Intended for releases that fall under the 40 or 30-day request period (depending on author type) allowed for the regular "Quick Response Calendar"