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Update! Where reviews are posted

Writer's picture: ABSRABSR

Just for some information as to where reviews are posted.

Amazon US (if the title is listed on the site) Title doesn't have to be purchased, but there is a limit to how many Unverified purchases can be posted within a 7 day period (Sunday - Saturday). There is a not a limit to the reviews for verified purchased titles. Sometimes it takes a few hours to a few days for a review to be posted. I always keep up on their policies. (If I hear a rumor, then I check it out)

Barnes and Noble: I post reviews on this site if the title is listed. The reviews on this site need to be confirmed.

Goodreads: Reviews can be posted at any time on this site. However, I do not post on this site BEFORE the book has been released.

BookBub: I post on this site if the book is listed. If you're an author and you don't have a BookBub account, I recommend getting one. It's free. The charges on BookBub are for their promotional packages. Amy's Bookshelf Reviews now has its own BookBub account, so the reviews will be posted under that profile ( but there will be two follows one from my author account ( on Bookbub and one from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. If you create an account on BookBub, or I don't know you have one, let me know. Any books listed on this site that I have reviewed, I will post them on BookBub if they aren't already there. (email me if you have an account and there isn't a review from me (it would be from my author account) but from now on, it will be from Amy's Bookshelf Reviews account.

Kobo (US): Kobo has more than one site, they also have international sites. I will only post on the US site if the book is listed there.

Audible: If your book is also on audiobooks or only on audiobooks, I will review the book, but a review can only be posted on Audible, if the book has been purchased or has a redeemable purchase code. If I've read your book, and you want me to post the review on audio, I will listen to the book and rewrite the review, because there are also narration and quality items to review as well. I must have a purchase code unless I have money in my donation fund.

LinkedIn: Shared from blog with #ABSR (Feel free to connect with me )

Instagram: The bookcover is the image, and in the text is the review. This is only if the author or the "legacy friend" has an account. My account is @amysbookshelfreviews I will also follow the author or legacy friend book instagram page @authoramyshannon

Smashwords: Smashwords requires a purchase to post a review. It also allows book titles to be listed as perma-free, and if it's free, I'll "purchase" it and post the review (if the book is listed) and if it's not free, I'll need a promocode to make it free. If your book is on Smashwords, there are instructions on how to get or create promo codes.

YouTube: Amy's Bookshelf Reviews YouTube Channel is

Video Reviews will be posted on the YouTube channel if the Video is purchased.

If anyone has any questions, they can email me directly. Also, if you send a request, and I don't have all the site listings, I won't be able to post them. Sometimes I may search on Goodreads, but that's the extent of it. However, if you get a your book on a site, and I've alrady reviewed it, I will repost reviews.

I do my best to get through the reviews, and while you're reading this, take a look at Amy's Library in case there is information that is new to you (as well as the request page).


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