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  • Amy Shannon

What's it about? "Life's Destiny: Binding Ties by Amy Shannon"


Life's Destiny: Binding Ties is the third volume in the "Destiny Series", which is the second series in the Sars Springs Saga, which is part of the M.O.D Epic Saga written by Amy Shannon.

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If you haven't read other books in the Saga, this post may add a few spoilers so be cautious.


Love and life come to surface as Dr. Raina Markum faces her new life with her new family. Raina and her family discover that things really aren't as they seem. As tragedy hits too close to home, will Raina lose her brother for good?

When loves feelings are revealed as being so far into the past, will the present be perceived different?

What if you were being watched every minute of everyday? What if you had to watch your life's worst moments?

As the depths of souls start to take over her body, slowly it starts to break down.

Will Raina really lose the only thing that keeps her body and soul together? How will she react when she loses it all?

So, what's this really about?

Raina and Alex are missing, but they aren't the only ones. The perception of the family changes as those who are kidnapped, are returned. And that's just the beginning, the truth behind the corrupt experimentation and infiltration of the town comes to light, and reveals all the town's secrets.

What happens next? Book 3 in Series 2, "Life's Destiny: Resurrection".

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