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What's it about? "Unwritten Fate: Intersection by Amy Shannon"

Amy Shannon


Unwritten Fate: Intersection is the second book in the "Fate" Series, which is the third series in the Sars Springs Saga, which is part of the M.O.D Epic Saga written by Amy Shannon.

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If you haven't read other books in the series, this post may add a few spoilers so be cautious.

Synopsis: Dr. Raina Markum and her family find themselves at several intersections. The paths all lead the family to the hospital, where a madman holds some of the ER at bay with a bomb and a gun. Who followed the path and ended up in the ER and who will be outside to watch it explode? Bombs have exploded in the past and taken lives, which lives will it take this time?

After the life altering paths, Terry and Jim find themselves contemplating their career in law enforcement. The fear of losing their family as well as their own life finds them seeking advice on what to do. While loss and tragedy take a few lives, how will the Sars Springs family come out from under the rubble of the pain, especially when the mob war takes it to a new level of destruction.

So, what's this really about?

All intersections lead to the ER where a gunman takes the doctors and patients hostage, while having a bomb strapped to him.

What happens next? Book 3 of Series 3 is "Unwritten Fate: Final Destination."

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© Copyright 2017-2022 Amy Shannon. All Images are property of Amy Shannon, with the exception of the BOOK Covers (those are owned by the authors of those books). Anyone wanting to access one of the images owned by Amy Shannon, can contact her directly for permission.

Amy Shannon

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