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  • Amy Shannon

Unwritten Life Paths to Destiny ... rebranded

Unwritten Life Paths to Destiny has been re-released, renamed, and rebranded. "Unwritten Life Paths to Destiny" is now available (updated version) on as a kindle and paperback, as well as on Smashwords. Previously published as "Unwritten Lives: Path to Destiny."

Or for purchase on my Website's ONLINE Bookstore.


This is the prequel to "Unwritten Life." It is best read after "Rewritten Life" as it gives away some of the story. It is the paths of both Jim and Alex, how they had linear paths across the country and a bunch of almost meetings between the two of them. I wanted to show the audience Alex's love and grief for Matthew, and her best friends, John and Mary. I also wanted to show the history between Alex and Greg, as well as Jim's history with his family and his mourning of Matthew.

"Unwritten Life Paths to Destiny" Synopsis Prequel to “Unwritten Life”

Experience the two paths taken that brought them into each other’s arms.

Alexis’ path begins with her on trial for murder. Live through Alexis’ ordeal as she flashes to memories of her and her first love, Matthew Garris. Experience her “cop fascination” as she makes her travels across the country and transforms herself from Alexis Garris to Alex Garrison, where she finally meets her destined love.

Jim’s path begins with his searching for his perfect blonde, perfect woman, his destined angel. Jim’s path intercepts with Alexis Garris, but both are unknown to each other. Experience Jim’s heartbreak at the loss of his father, along with the pain of losing his best friend, Matthew Garris, while he tries to discover where he wants his life to end up. Experience Jim’s side of the story as he met Alex Garrison.

Excerpt: Alexis's Path ..

Alexis took a deep breath and poured John his cup, but when she tried to pour Matthew’s cup, her hand shook nervously, and she spilled it all over his lap. “Oh, my god. I’m so terribly sorry,” Alexis quickly ran over to the counter to grab some towels. She gently patted Matthew’s lap. “I’m really sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Matthew touched her arm and their eyes met. “Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing the dry cleaners can’t handle,” he laughed. “I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know what happened. I’m so sorry. Did I burn you?” “No. Please, sit down,” he smiled. “John, will you excuse us for a moment?” John stood up. “Lex, please sit down. I’ll be over with Mary if you need us,” he hurried over to the counter. John and Mary focused their eyes on the couple as Alexis sat down. “Lex?” Matthew asked. “My name’s actually Alexis,” she smiled nervously. “I’m Matthew Garris. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Jim's Path

“Janet, what are you doing here? Where have you been?” he looked up from the front porch. “I had to see you one last time,” she whispered softly. He stood up and walked down the steps. “One last time?” “Jimmy, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I left the way I did. But I can’t be married to you anymore. I can’t be your perfect wife. You want––you want–– you want what Matthew has. You can’t have it. That woman, that perfect bride, is what you want. I could see it in your eyes, I can’t be her. I can only be me.” “Janet, that’s not true. I love you. Don’t you love me anymore?” His voice broke. “I’m sorry, Jimmy. I just came back to get my stuff and say good-bye. This is it,” she went into the house. Jim followed her as she packed her things. “Please, don’t leave. We can work this out.” “No, Jimmy, we can’t. It’s over. It has been over for a while now, but it took me seeing that look in your eyes to know the truth.” “What look? What truth? What are you talking about?” Jim pleaded with her to finish. “You wish that you had your best friend’s wife. I saw your eyes. I wish that you looked at me that way, but no. It’s all about the perfect wife. Hey, and I hear she’s rich, too. Why don’t you just break up their marriage, as you did ours?” “Janet, you don’t know what you’re saying. I love you. Don’t you love me anymore? We did love each other. Isn’t it still in our hearts?” She walked out the front door and toward her car. She turned around one last time. “No, Jimmy. I don’t love you anymore. This is it!” “Drop dead! I never want to see you again!” he yelled. Janet got in the car and sped out of the driveway. Jim dropped on the front steps of the porch and buried his face in his hands.

And so it continues... again.


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