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MOD Life Epic Saga

Amy Shannon

I have retired the website dedicated to the MOD Life Epic Saga. This does not mean that I have retired any of the books. On my regular website, I added a new navigation menu that introduces the readers to the first set of published books (that were rebranded and published), as well as the history of both Sars Springs and The District. I've even added an all character list, which applies to all volumes that are currently WRITTEN (not all published), so it includes every single character, major, minor or just passing by, from volumes 1-64. (Currently am working on volume 67). I've also included a page that explains The District (volumes 61-64), and a list of characters that are in those books.

Information can be found on my website at and select the MOD Life Epic Saga menu. I also have all the volumes for sale on my personal bookstore.

The next book that is scheduled to be released is Life's Binding Ties (Volume 12) on June 3, 2019.

If you like stories that never end, yet each book has its own conclusion, that revolve around families, life, romance, crime, drama and even coming back from the dead ... start with Unwritten Life, and continue on. The more these characters talk to me, the more stories will come out.


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© Copyright 2017-2022 Amy Shannon. All Images are property of Amy Shannon, with the exception of the BOOK Covers (those are owned by the authors of those books). Anyone wanting to access one of the images owned by Amy Shannon, can contact her directly for permission.

Amy Shannon

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