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Release: Life's Binding Ties

Amy Shannon

Volume 12 in the MOD Life Epic Saga

Available on KINDLE June 2 2019

Amazon Paperback (coming soon)

Available on SMASHWORDS June 3 2019

Blurb: A horrible tragedy so close to the heart, sends Dr. Raina O'Roark into a catatonic state. Love and life come to surface as Dr. Raina Markum faces her new life with her new family. Raina and her family discover that things really aren't as they seem. As tragedy hits too close to home, will Raina lose her brother for good? When loves feelings are revealed as being so far into the past, will the present be perceived different?

What if you were being watched every minute of everyday? What if you had to watch your life's worst moments? As the depths of souls start to take over her body, slowly it starts to break down. Will Raina really lose the only thing that keeps her body and soul together? How will she react when she loses it all?

Excerpt: DR. RAINA MARKUM opened her eyes and slowly sat up. She looked down at her ankle that was still chained to the cot. “Dammit. We’ll never get out of here,” Raina looked over at the other cot in the cold, cement room. “Momma?” she whispered. Alex O’Roark slowly opened her eyes and sat up. “Another day in this dungeon,” Alex rubbed her ankle, where it was chained to her cot. Raina stood up and slowly limped over to her mother’s bed. “How long do you think we’ve been here?” “I don’t know. A few weeks at least,” Alex combed her hands through her long, brown hair. “At least he hasn’t hurt us, yet.” “Do you have any ideas of who it is?” Raina asked. “None. Anyone who’s ever hated me is dead,” she laughed slightly. “What about you? Any ideas?” Raina shook her head. “Do you think Dad and Terry realize we’re missing yet?” “I don’t know. We were supposed to be back from our trip by now, I would think. I don’t know. I’ve lost track of time in here. If he ever sends them that letter I wrote, they’ll know something is wrong,” Alex said. “Hopefully, this bastard will show himself and then we can figure out a way to get out of here.” “Momma, I need to get back to my boys. They need me.” “I know, Raina. Don’t worry. We will get out of here. One thing I’ve learned from being kidnapped before is that we can’t sit around and wait to be rescued. We’ll have to do it ourselves.” Raina stood up and walked over to the metal table. She stared down at the empty trays. “Next time he brings us food, save the utensils. Or at least one of them.” Alex stood up and lay on the floor. “Momma, what are you doing?” “Trying to see if I can dislodge one of these springs,” Alex tried to stretch under the cot. “I can feel something.” “Momma, hold on, someone is coming,” Raina and Alex hurried to their cots and lay down as the door opened. He strutted in the room with his back turned to them. He placed the metal trays of food on the table and walked out of the room without saying a word. Alex and Raina quickly sat up. Raina looked over at her mother as she stood up. “Next time, we confront him,” Raina said. “I’m tired of trying to guess here.”


Book before this one? Life's Hindering Hope

The book after this one? Life's Resurrection (vol 13) to be re-released by the end of 2019.


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